You Work HARD To Raise Funds. Be A Good Steward Of Your Budget With Dedicated IT Support for Nonprofits
Upgrade To Superior I.T. Support And Cyber Security For Your San Antonio or Austin Non-Profit Organization That Fits Your Mission – And Makes The Board Happy – WITHOUT Overpaying For Inferior I.T. Network Support.
REAL Non-Profit Client Testimonial!
“They’re great communicators and they’re local.”
– Vinsen Farris, CEO, Meals on Wheels SA
Non Profit IT Services Are Essential
The People You Serve Are Too Important For You To Waste Time Dealing With Technology Problems Like Computer Slowness, Downtime, Compliance Requirements, And Keeping Your Data Safe.
To maximize your good work, you need the right IT, and to get this you need IT services for nonprofits that understand your business.
Nonprofits are unique, so you need to work with IT experts like Juern Tech who understand what you’re trying to achieve and how to reach it.
Don’t let your budget hold you back from getting the computer support you deserve. You were designed to make a difference in the world.

Juern Technology Is THE Premiere IT Support for NonProfits Provider in Texas.
Eliminate Technology Issues That Cause You Delays So You Can Do More Good.
As your trusted technology partner, we help solve challenges specific to your mission and understand how technology affects every part of your efforts from donor engagement, to service delivery and retention.
Our IT support for nonprofits in Texas is second-to-none, and you can try it risk-free thanks to our 30-day trial period.
Nonprofit IT Support That Gives You Confidence

Get Superior I.T. Support
Feel good about investing your nonprofit organization’s donations, grants, and raised funds in technology that enhances your mission by eliminating costly downtime, chronic problems, slowness, and other computer headaches that keep you and your staff from fulfilling your purpose.

Be 100% Confident Your Data Is Secure
It’s amazing how quickly the Board will meet when a nonprofit gets ransomware! Get Zero-Trust endpoint protection for all your devices so you can have the peace of mind that your non-profit is truly protected from ransomware, viruses, and other cyber-threats like rogue employees.

Meet ALL Compliance Requirements
Maintain client trust and stop worrying if you’ve met all of your compliance requirements, or if you’ve overlooked one or two. We know you handle client information, credit card payment information, and other sensitive information on a daily basis that needs to be protected.
We’re an IT Support Organization That’s Dedicated To The Service Of Others.
We don’t just care about your computer I.T. network, we care about your mission and helping you accomplish your objective. We understand how important it is for your organization to run smoothly.
3 Reasons You Should Trust Us To Support Your Computer Network:
We currently support over 700 non-profit systems in Austin and San Antonio metro areas.
The Nonprofit sector is the second largest industry we serve.
We service many local non-profits including Meals on Wheels, Military Warriors, and STARRY.
Valuable IT Support For Nonprofits

Fully Managed I.T. Services Provider
Turn your nonprofit I.T. network technology over to us, we know all about TechSoup. We’ll make everything work the way that it should and give you someone to call on day or night when you have an issue with your computer network. Do you have an internal I.T. manager working for your nonprofit organization? PERFECT, see our Co-Managed I.T. Services!

Co-Managed I.T. Services Partner
We partner with your internal I.T. team to provide the helping hands, and necessary I.T. support for nonprofits. This includes the management, cybersecurity, and automation tools you need WITHOUT the cost and headache of finding, managing and retaining a large I.T. staff OR investing in expensive software tools. Ultimately, we enable you to get more value from your technology investment.

Cloud Computing Service Provider
Cloud Services, cloud migrations, cloud storage, and cloud security for your non-profit organization. We specialize in making sure you have advanced cloud security settings enabled to make your cloud solutions even safer. Be an early adopter of cloud technology so your nonprofit doesn’t get left behind.

Zero-Trust Endpoint Cyber Security Provider
Juern Tech is a leading non-profit cyber security organization. Our next-gen zero-trust cybersecurity solutions will safeguard your patient and client data from cyber-threats like ransomware, viruses, and other malware. We use advanced cybersecurity for our nonprofits to make sure they are protected.

Compliance Services Provider
Stop worrying if your non-profit organization has met all compliance requirements and be confident that you are in complete compliance no matter how complicated your compliance requirements are.

24/7 Help Desk Services Provider
Call us day or night when you need help with your nonprofit’s computer network. You can open a ticket using our easy-to-use desktop ticketing system, email our Help Desk, or call our Help Desk directly. Our local (never outsourced) and responsive Help Desk is dedicated to same-day ticket resolution.

Data Backup And Disaster Recovery Services Provider
If you rely on technology to run your nonprofit organization, you need daily proof that your backups are in good working order and can quickly be restored to have your operations back up and running in minutes. Our reliable backup and recovery solution by Datto offers onsite AND cloud-based backups and end-to-end encryption.

Virtual CIO Services Provider
Expert technology advice for your nonprofit so you can be 100% confident in your I.T. network innovations and take a proactive role in the technical direction of your nonprofit. We’ll meet with you 1-on-1 every quarter to help you plan for your future and set you up for growth and flexibility.

Hardware Purchasing Services
When you need to purchase new desktops, laptops, mobile devices, and other hardware, we’ll walk you through it by recommending the best choices for your unique IT environment and contacting the hardware vendor on your behalf to place the order. We fight hard to get our nonprofit clients the best value on their technology purchases.
How To Get Started:
Request A 15-Minute IT Discovery Call Today
Tailor Your Nonprofit Support Services To Fit Your Unique Mission
Be A Good Steward Of Your Technology Budget
See what other Austin and San Antonio executives are saying about our computer network services in Texas…
The Best IT Support for NonProfits in Texas
Do You Or Your Board of Directors Wish Your Non-Profit Had Better I.T. Support? Break Away From Inferior I.T. Support And Gain The Power To Make An Even Greater Impact For Your Community With Juern Technology Without Breaking The Bank.
At Juern Technology, we know you want to be a champion of your community but in order to do that, you need a superior level of I.T. services and I.T. support. Just because you have a limited budget does not mean you have to have limited resources that make you feel like you’re not meeting your full potential.
We strongly believe I.T. network issues shouldn’t slow you down from delivering critical services to your beneficiaries. Our mission is to help you complete YOUR mission. Like you, we are dedicated to the service of our community which is why non-profit organizations are the second largest industry we provide managed I.T. services to and specialize in positioning non-profit organizations like yours for greater growth.
If you’re a nonprofit organization in San Antonio or Austin, then we want to help you.
Get IT support for your nonprofit organization!
Not Ready To Call Us Just Yet?
Download Our FREE Report And Arm Yourself With 21 Revealing Questions You Should Ask Any Computer Consultant Before Giving Them Access To Your Non-Profit Organization’s I.T. Network.
Simply fill out the form here and download your instant copy today!